Cream-style corn, whole corn kernels, sour cream, butter, green chilies, ground meat and sharp cheddar cheese are combined with a packaged corn bread mix...
Farfalle pasta, mixed with a creamy and savory sauce, is topped with a riced broccoli crumble and baked as a casserole for a quick, easy, and delicious...
Quick and easy cheesy enchilada casserole. Takes only 6 ingredients to make this popular one-pan amazing Mexican vegetarian dinner dish! Garnish with green...
Ground beef (or ground turkey), shredded zucchini, spices, salsa, tomato soup, and corn are cooked with a garlic, sour cream, and Cheddar cheese biscuit...
Serve this easy rice and bean casserole topped with avocado and sour cream or use as a burrito filler. Inspired by Green Valley Kitchen's Rice and Black...
In this neo-casserole, a crisp crust of Parmesan and rice stands in for pastry, and luscious ricotta -- rather than cream -- cushions sauteed basil, spinach...
This warm, sweet cinnamon roll casserole is a great twist on French toast, kind of like a French toast casserole and custard mixed. We have it every Christmas...
Mexican Cornbread Casserole is an easy ground beef dinner recipe loaded with corn, Rotel diced tomatoes and green chilies, taco seasoning and shredded...
Got leftover turkey? Craving comfort food? Try this filling, creamy casserole. Serve with a green vegetable or salad and a crusty bread, and you have a...
Get a freezable Mexican meal rolling in no time with a no-cook filling and a sauce made from pantry ingredients. Pepper Jack cheese and a combination of...
This cheeseburger casserole was my favorite dish my mom made while I was growing up, and now it is my husband's favorite. With crisp Tater Tots® and ooey-gooey...
I first made this as a teenager and everyone I've made it for loves it. It's very easy and absolutely delicious! You can top it with chili as well. It...
If you have a taste for Mexican and are looking for a quick and easy weeknight meal, here it is. You'll find layers of vibrant flavor and different textures...
This is one of those old-timey recipes that's been handed down and adapted from my grandma, to my mom, to me. It's a simple hamburger-type casserole dish...
This is so easy to make and tastes great. My family just loves it and yours will, too! It includes ground beef, rice, celery, green onions and green peppers,...
I got this recipe at a church potluck. All the flavors blend really well. I've made it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. So far every time I've served...
This is a delicious side dish can be largely assembled ahead: Leave off the last portion of cheese, cover the dish with plastic wrap (pressing it directly...
This is a simple tamale pie recipe that tastes very similar to authentic tamales without all the work! I sometimes double this recipe and make it in a...
This quick-cooking casserole has a rich beef-and-rice filling, a colorful layer of zucchini, and a crisp breadcrumb topping. (Save even more time by using...
My boyfriend lived in Serbia for 3 years and always begs me to recreate some of his favorite dishes. Based on his sketchy explanations and a little research...
Using whole-wheat pasta and breadcrumbs boosts the fiber content of this crowd-pleaser and gives it an appealing nuttiness. Fat-free milk, part-skim ricotta,...
This savory bread pudding was inspired by a lunch I had at a food cart in Portland long ago. It works well as a vegetarian main dish or as a substantial...
This is a quick and easy dinner twist on an old-time favorite, meatball casserole. I have found that more rice increases the density and less rice makes...